Red Robin

National Broadcast TV. Online Video. Interactive dual-screen interactive experience. Social.

Red Robin wanted a summer blockbuster campaign for their collaboration with the Terminator Genisys movie. Partnering with Vitro, BW’s national effort featured a dual-screen interactive video experience, a 30-second TV spot, and a unique Instagram program.

The interactive effort received press from a number of respected news, business, mobile marketing and advertising publications — including Fortune, Time Magazine, and one of Wall Street's top analysts.

Lunch with a Terminator. The video

This long form piece was the interactive view of the partnership with Google. Once the mobile device was engaged, the user was able to see through the eyes of a Terminator. And as you can see, the Terminator did not enjoy the conversation as much as our spokeswoman did.

National TV

This was a bucket-list moment for many of us. An actual Terminator are from the original film was used—it’s one of 5 in the world.

Terminator Vision Case Study

Much like a T800 model Terminator, this partnership with Google had many moving parts. Here is the case study.




UCSD: Triple Gold CASE Award Winner